Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Tom Waits Is A Saviour?

OK...who the hell declared that Tom Waits can be played in coffee shops while people are studying. The only place Tom Waits should be played is in the restroom in order to get your bowels moving. Hot Corner must have declared Tom Waits some kind of saviour because everytime I go there to study, his music is always blaring. How can I study listening to crap like that. I know that maybe I should bring my own stuff to listen to, but due to me constantly being financially embarassed...I can't afford a portable CD player. So...my lesson for all of you my children is that Tom Waits is evil in every capacity possible. Beware!!!


Blogger Big Gray said...

I think what you meant to say was that Tom Waits is awesome, not evil.

Seriously, though, it all depends on which Tom Waits they're playing. The early stuff is jazzier and folkier and I could really see you liking it. When we lived together, I used to listen to that shit all the time and you never minded! But the newer (as in from the 80s on) growlier stuff is a little harder to stomach for most people.

I think Tom Waits is perfect coffee house music, but then again, I don't drink coffee, so what the hell do I know.

November 23, 2004 at 3:58 AM  

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