Thursday, November 11, 2004

To Quote That Shitty Ass Band Staind...It's Been Awhile

I haven't been reporting anything lately because there hasn't been much adventure in my life because of get this...studying. The plethera of tests bestowed upon me began Tuesday of last week and ended Tuesday of this week.

I called out of work Wednesday in order to study. The day I called out was the day that Bush won the election. There were a lot of sad people that day. A lot of my friends did begin to apologize to me about the gay marriage thing. To be honest, I really didn't care. I've never really cared about gay marriage. I just can't think of marriage as being a good institution of anyone gay or straight.

I just can't fathom spending the rest of my life with someone joined at the hip. I mean once you get becomes pretty boring. I mean let's face's a lot more fun when you're living separately and dating. When you do that, it keeps excitement and mystery in a relationship. I like that expectation of living day to day without any worries. I think that's why so many relationships fail, because there's no excitement or mystery. It really sickens me to see people marry so young or to be so consumed in a relationship that you lose your outside view on the world. I dunno...Basically, the whole gay marriage thing...I'm definetely not upset with how it turned out. I would've liked it pass for other people who believed in though. I guess there's different strokes for different folks. That's what makes the world go round.


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