Friday, November 26, 2004

Flirting & Dissing...What Bullshit I had a crush on this punk rocker that I've known on and off for about a year. He moved into town nearly 2 months ago. So, we see each other...flirt...make out a little. these things only happen when he's drunk. I never take push the situation in those instances because I make it a rule not to make out with someone when they're staggering's just bad news. So, finally when I catch him at a sober moment, I invite him over to dinner at my place with the sole intention of seducing him because he's hot. So, he never calls me about dinner (no surprise there) and now he has a girlfriend. When I see him in public now, everything is different he's kinds dissing me. Man...another guy a victim of sexual confusion. Which is kinda shitty for the both of us I guess....I would've really liked to make out with him because he has a huge schlong. Oh well...


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